Amtrust (Wesco) TPA Announcement

Amtrust (Wesco) has announced a relationship with AbSolve, a Custom Absence Management Program solutions provider who will service existing NJ TDB policyholders as well as any new placements as the Third Party Administrator (TPA).  Updated contacts and information pertaining to this arrangement are enclosed in the attached announcement which are also be mailed to policyholders.  The effective date of this change is 9/1/18 and affects claims with a  date of disability beginning 9/1/18 and beyond.  Claims already in process with dates of disability prior to 9/1/18 will remain with the current Amtrust (Wesco) claims department.

Enhanced services include access to an on-line portal, telephonic claim intake, and faster claim payments.

Larger cases may be able to request a suite of customized reporting options as well.

Amtrust (Wesco) TPA Announcement

Any question please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Categories: BTA